Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers, Narendra Singh Tomar will address an event “Expansion of Horticulture Value Chain in India – Potential and Opportunities”, organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India on November 1, 2022 at VAMNICOM, Pune, Maharashtra.
The agriculture minister will inaugurate the exhibition and felicitate farmers, farmer producer organisations (FPOs), agri startups, entrepreneurs, bankers and other stakeholders for their contribution to the field of horticulture. Also, he will launch a book, “Organic Packaging of Practice for Horticultural Crops”, a compilation of success stories of the Horticulture Sector, and a book on the Mission Organic Value Chain.
The event will bring relevant stakeholders such as farmers, FPOs, Centre of Excellence (CoE) in various crops, ICAR’s crop-specific National Research Centres, and Precision Farming Development Centres on the same platform.
Details of the technical sessions
Programmes and opportunities in exotic, indigenous and high-value horticultural crops
This session shall talk about the overview of opportunities in exotic, indigenous and high-value horticultural crops by the representatives from the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare. Also, speakers will talk about learning on optimising the horticultural value chain in organic farming with a success story on exotic fruit by the farmer.
Programmes and opportunities in flower cultivation
This session shall talk about the opportunities, challenges, and way ahead in floriculture by the representative from ICAR-Directorate of Floricultural Research. Also, speakers will talk about the growth and success story on the e-commerce of floriculture and on waste-to-wealth startups respectively.
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Extension innovations in horticulture
This session shall talk about the role of technology and innovation in horticulture in India by the representative from ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research. Also, speakers will talk about the roles of technology in fresh farm produce and successful FPOs for the horticulture
Post-harvest technologies, infrastructure, institutions and challenges
This session shall talk about the overview of post-harvest technologies in horticulture by the representative from the National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM). Also, a discussion about leading food technology through innovation in horticulture and the role of the Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) will be held by their representative.
Marketing and export of horticultural commodities and agri/horti startups
This session shall talk about the export opportunities for Indian horticulture by the representative of the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). A panel discussion with the market and established players involved in horticultural value chain activity shall be organised on marketing and export of horticultural commodities and agri-horti startups.
Evolving innovation in mechanisation for horticulture
This session shall talk about the mechanisation in horticulture and overview and role of ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research. Also, speakers will also talk about innovative problem-driven solutions for horticulture and sustainable agriculture in rural India.
Pest-free area: Systems approach for export of horticultural produce
This session shall discuss the overview of pest-free horticulture produce by the representative from Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine & Storage. Also, the speakers will talk about opportunities for the export of horticultural produce and the success story of women entrepreneur in organic horticulture exports.