Space-Tech Startup, SatSure raises funding from Baring Private Equity India

Space-Tech Startup, SatSure raises funding from Baring Private Equity India

SatSure has three key offerings – SatSure Sparta platform for agriculture and climate insights in a freemium model; SatSure SAGE which is a life cycle risk monitoring and business intelligence product offering for the agriculture financial services; and SatSure SKIES

Space-Tech Startup, SatSure raises funding from Baring Private Equity India Read More
NASA, FAO’s next-generation geospatial tool to monitor forests

NASA, FAO’s next-generation geospatial tool to monitor forests

Seeing both forests and trees is about to get easier, thanks to a new open-access tool developed by NASA and FAO with support from the Google Earth Engine Team and the US Government’s SilvaCarbon Program – allowing anyone to track land-use and landscape changes anywhere

NASA, FAO’s next-generation geospatial tool to monitor forests Read More