Farmers’ body welcomes Congress Party’s statement to enact law to guarantee MSP at Swaminathan formula

Farmers’ body welcomes Congress Party’s statement to enact law to guarantee MSP at Swaminathan formula

According to the farmer’s body, the announcement has the potential to uplift the economic condition of farmers of India and bring sweeping change in the entire rural economy chain and indeed the economy of the nation

Farmers’ body welcomes Congress Party’s statement to enact law to guarantee MSP at Swaminathan formula Read More
30 HP farmers get training for cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants at CSIR-CIMAP

30 Himachal farmers get training for cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants at CSIR-CIMAP

Over 300 farmers are cultivating wild marigolds and producing about 300 kg of oil, According to the officials, they are earning Rs.12000 to 14,000 per kg price from the oil which is fetching higher profits to them than other crops

30 Himachal farmers get training for cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants at CSIR-CIMAP Read More