Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization: How much funds released to the states? All things you need to know

Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization: How much funds released to the states? All things you need to know

In order to empower the farmers through Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) scheme, Government of India has released funds for various activities of farm mechanisation like establishment of custom hiring centres, farm machinery banks, high-tech hubs and distribution of various agricultural machinery to different states.

Agricultural mechanisation plays a vital role in optimising the use of land, water energy resources, manpower and other inputs like seeds, fertilisers and pesticides to maximise the productivity of the available cultivable area and make agriculture a more profitable and attractive profession for rural youth. Agricultural mechanisation is one of the key drivers for the sustainable development of the agriculture sector. Sustainable agriculture mechanisation growth will require appropriate and precision agricultural machinery adequately supported by the latest technology.

Madhya Pradesh

Under the Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) scheme, during the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs. 288.24 crores have been released to Madhya Pradesh by Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers’ Welfare (DAC&FW) and during 2021-22 released Rs. 16.20 crore as 1st instalment under for distribution of 2,000 agricultural machinery and equipment and establishment of 90 custom hiring centres.

Andhra Pradesh

During the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs. 621.23 crore have been released to Andhra Pradesh by DAC&FW and during 2021-22 Rs. 32.93 crore released as 1st instalment under SMAM for the establishment of 525 custom hiring centres and 34 high tech hubs.

Tamil Nadu

During the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs. 421.65 crore have been released to Tamil Nadu by DAC&FW and during 2021-22 released Rs.21.74 crore as 1st instalment under SMAM for distribution of 269 agricultural machineries and equipment, for the establishment of 115 numbers of custom hiring centres, 10 hi-tech hubs and 100 farm machinery banks at village level.


During the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs. 89.94 crore have been released to Kerala by DAC&FW and during 2021-22 released Rs.12.35 crore as 1st instalment under SMAM for distribution of 4,280 numbers of various machines and equipment to the farmers on subsidy and establishment of 58 farm machinery banks at village level.

Arunachal Pradesh

During the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs. 36.36 crore have been released to Arunachal Pradesh. During 2021-22 released Rs.3.66 crore as 1st instalment under SMAM for distribution of 6,045 various machines and equipment to the farmers on subsidy.


During the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs. 61.05 crore have been released to Manipur during 2021-22, released Rs.2.27 crore as 1st instalment under SMAM for establishment of 18 farm machinery banks at village level.


During the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs. 110.05 crore have been released to Nagaland during 2021-22 released Rs.7.57 crore as 1st instalment under SMAM for distribution of 497 numbers of various machines and equipment to the farmers on subsidy and establishment of 25 farm machinery banks at village level.


Under the Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization, during the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs. 121.12 crore have been released to Tripura during 2021-22 released Rs.6.12 crore as 1st instalment or the establishment of 65 farm machinery banks at village level.

Uttar Pradesh

During the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs. 294.74 crore have been released to Uttar Pradesh during 2021-22 released Rs.22.12 crore as 1st instalment for establishment 290 custom hiring centres and 290 farm machinery banks at village level.


During the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs.182.05 crore have been released to Uttarakhand during 2021-22 released Rs.10.53 crore as 1st instalment for distribution of 1,685 numbers of various machines and farm equipment to the farmers on subsidy, establishment of six custom hiring centres and 35 farm machinery banks at village level.

West Bengal

During the period from 2014-15 to 2020-21, an amount of Rs. 53.81 crore have been released to West Bengal during 2021-22 released Rs.2.6 crore as 1st instalment for the establishment of 25 custom hiring centres.

(All information are provided by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India.)

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