Kan Biosys brings in solution to stubble burning, improving soil carbon

Kan Biosys brings in solution to stubble burning, improving soil carbon

Kan Biosys, a specialised agri-biotech company working in the field of plant nutrition and pest management, has launched Speed Kompost, an eco-friendly product that tackles the problem of stubble burning. The product, accredited by various research institutes and accreditation bodies, does not pose any risk to the environment and helps in enhancing the soil quality and agricultural yield.

Speed Kompost is microbial formulation which consists of a unique stabilised blend of cellulose degrading, starch degrading, protein degrading bacteria and fungi. These microbes when added to the raw compost heap, germinate to produce hyphae or cells.

The various microbes, which digest the plant waste, present in Speed Kompost help in recycling of crop residues and wastes effectively along with soil reclamation hence resulting in enhanced soil quality. Apart from this, the usage of the product also ensures a significant increase in the nutrition value of the soil.

Sandeepa Kanitkar, MD, Kan Biosys, said, “From the last four years, we have been working in Punjab and Haryana to stop the rice stubble burning. The stubble burning not only pollutes the environment causing health hazards but also strips the soil off valuable carbon. The soil loses its nutrition value, becomes barren and unproductive gradually which makes the land hard and thus water runs off with the fertilisers further polluting the rivers and groundwater causing severe health issues and algal blooms. The bans imposed by governments don’t act as a feasible option due to unavailability of adequate easy technology to reuse stubble so as to vitalise the fields.”

She also emphasised that rather than imposing ban on stubble burning the government should create awareness among the farmers so that they can leverage on the available technology.

Taking all the factors into account, ‘Speed Kompost’ addresses many issues. The easy, cost effective, and standardised on-farm process of the unique formulation/technology allows farmers to incorporate rice stubble in 15 to 20 days after harvesting. With this, the farmers can make their field ready for the next crop.

Furthermore, the product increases organic matter in soil, enhances water holding capacity of the soil, makes the usage of fertiliser efficient and improves the soil microbial activity. With the launch of the innovative product, Kan Biosys is exploring strategic relationships to make it a pan-India practice.

Highlighting the needs of Speed Kompost, she further said, “It is the right time that India should embrace products which not only help in enhancing the yields but are also environment friendly. Due to excessive use of chemicals and water and scanty use of organic manures, a significant downfall has been recorded in the water table. Apart from this, the soil quality is degrading and production is also declining significantly. The stubble burning further destroys the carbon content in the soil. Thus, in a country like India, Speed Kompost comes in handy for improving the soil carbon by incorporating crop residues efficiently.”

She said that as the government is focused to double the farmers’ income. This will come through improving the productivity by increasing the input efficiency. Government should acknowledge technology developed by Kan Biosys and develop a mechanism to encourage farmers to use it.

The company aims to help the farmers maximise yields efficiently and at the same time reduce toxic residues in the food.

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