Rabi crops sowing stands at 571.84 la ha by December

Rabi crops sowing stands at 571.84 la ha by December

The total area sown under Rabi crops as on December 27, 2019 stands at 571.84 lakh hectares as compared to 536.35 lakh hectare for corresponding period last year. The progress in Rabi sowing has picked up significantly with the improvement of soil moisture in almost all Rabi growing states, referring to the preliminary reports received from the states, Union Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has said in a statement today.

Wheat has been sown in 297.02 lakh hectares, rice in 13.90 lakh hectares, pulses in 140.13 lakh hectares, coarse cereals in 46.66 lakh hectares and area sown under oilseeds is 74.12 lakh hectares.

Rabi area sown by Dec 27, 2019 compared to Dec 27, 2018 (in lakh hectare)

CropsArea Sown in 2019-20Area Sown in 2018-19
Coarse cereals46.6642.12
Total Crops571.84536.35
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