What do First Advance Estimates say on India’s food production in Kharif season 2023-24? Read the report

What do First Advance Estimates say on India’s food production in Kharif season 2023-24? Read the report

Estimation of crop production relies on data provided by states, reports from CWWG, remote sensing, estimates based on econometric modelling, inputs collected from farmer surveys, among other data sources

What do First Advance Estimates say on India’s food production in Kharif season 2023-24? Read the report Read More
How has been the agri growth and what does Economic Survey 2021-22 say on various areas of agriculture? See in numbers…

How has been the agri growth and what does Economic Survey 2021-22 say on various areas of agriculture? See in numbers…

Agriculture grows at 3.9% and 3.6% in 2021-22 and 2020-21 respectively. The share of the agriculture and allied sector in total GVA of the economy has settled at around 18 per cent in the long term

How has been the agri growth and what does Economic Survey 2021-22 say on various areas of agriculture? See in numbers… Read More