Day 12: Paddy procurement jumps 33% during ongoing Kharif Marketing Season

Day 12: Paddy procurement jumps 33% during ongoing Kharif Marketing Season

The Kharif Marketing Season (KMS) 2020-21 has already commenced and Government continues to procure Kharif 2020-21 crops at its MSP from farmers as per its existing MSP Schemes as done in previous seasons. Amid farmers’ protests in Haryana and Punjab, paddy procurement for KMS 20-21 has now gained good momentum with start of procurement in some other states like Kerala and increase in the pace in ongoing procuring states which has resulted in a total paddy procurement of 20,37,634 MT from about 1.7 lakh farmers of the country having MSP value of Rs 3,847.05 crore. This is a whopping increase of over 33 percent vis-a-vis procurement in the corresponding period last year, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution has said today.

The procurement of paddy during Kharif Marketing Season 2020-21 had started from September 26, 2020 in Haryana and Punjab while it started from October 1, 2020 in western Uttar Pradesh and from October 2, 2020 in Chandigarh and from October 5, 2020 in Tamil Nadu.

Further, based on the proposal from the states, approval was accorded for procurement of 30.70 LMT of pulse and oilseeds for Kharif Marketing Season 2020 for the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana, Gujarat, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. In addition, sanction for procurement of 1.23 LMT of copra (the perennial crop) for the state of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala was also given. For other states and UTs approval will also be accorded on receipt of proposals for procurement of pulses, oilseeds and copra under Price Support Scheme (PSS) so that procurement of FAQ grade of these crops can be made at notified MSP for the year 2020-21 directly from the registered farmers, if the market rate goes below MSP during the notified harvesting period in the respective states and UTs by the Central nodal agencies through state nominated procuring agencies, the ministry has informed.

According to the ministry data, as of October 07, 2020, the Government through its nodal agencies has procured 376.65 MT of moong having MSP value of Rs. 2.71 crore from 269 farmers in Tamil Nadu and Haryana. Similarly, 5,089 MT of copra having MSP value of Rs. 52.40 crore has been procured from 3,961 farmers in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu against the sanctioned quantity of 1.23 LMT for Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. In respect of copra and urad, rates are ruling at or above MSP. Respective state governments are making arrangements for commencement of procurement in respect of moong and other Kharif pulses and oilseeds.

The procurement of seed cotton (Kapas) during Kharif Marketing Season 2020-21 has started from October 1, 2020. By October 7, 2020 Cotton Corporation of India has procured a quantity of 3,525 bales under MSP for a value of Rs 994.28 lakh from 753 farmers, the ministry has further informed.

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