FMC Corporation gets recognised for contribution to water sustainability at TERI-IWA-UNDP Awards

FMC Corporation recognised for contribution to water sustainability at TERI-IWA-UNDP Awards

FMC Corporation, a leading agricultural sciences company, has been conferred a Certificate of Recognition for its contribution towards water stewardship in India at the inaugural TERI-IWA-UNDP Water Sustainability Awards 2021-22 on World Water Day 2022. The awards programme was jointly organised by The Energy Research Institute (TERI), the International Water Association and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

FMC runs an ongoing campaign under its flagship Project Samarth that seeks to provide access to safe and potable drinking water to 200,000 farmer families by 2024 in India. Project Samarth has to date commissioned 57 community water purification plants in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, benefiting nearly 100,000 farming families. The company is now expanding the reach of the programme to cover more states including Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat in 2022.

“It is an honour to be recognised for our efforts towards sustainability,” said Ravi Annavarapu, President, FMC India, “Our goal is to empower the farming community and raise living standards through various initiatives and community outreach programmes like Project Samarth. Over 4,000 FMC technical field experts engage with farmers about good agricultural practices and the sustainable use of water to enhance productivity while optimising water use. We endeavour to educate the community at large about best practices in water consumption, and we are grateful for this recognition by TERI-IWA-UNDP. It motivates us to move forward on our mission of water stewardship,” Annavarapu said.

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Apart from commissioning water purification plants, FMC also promotes the sustainable use of water in agriculture through its wide network of technical experts and channel partners.

The award was received by Raju Kapoor, Director of Public and Industry Affairs, FMC India, in the presence of Bharat Lal, Secretary Lokpal of India, Former Additional Secretary Jal Jeevan Mission and Shoko Noda, UNDP Resident Representative in India.

The TERI-IWA-UNDP Water Sustainability Awards aim to encourage the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by way of reducing the water footprint among various stakeholders through the adoption of the ‘water neutrality’ approach. The awards are spread over multiple categories and domains within the water sector, and aims to recognise and encourage various stakeholders such as individuals, civil society organisations, industries, municipal boards, village panchayats and RWAs, who are leading the local movement in the most transformative, impactful and innovative way.

FMC Corporation is a global agricultural sciences company focusing on helping farmers produce food, feed, fibre and fuel for an expanding world population while adapting to a changing environment. FMC’s innovative crop protection solutions – including biologicals, crop nutrition, digital and precision agriculture – enable growers, crop advisers and turf and pest management professionals to address their toughest challenges economically while protecting the environment. FMC works on discovering new herbicide, insecticide and fungicide active ingredients, product formulations and pioneering technologies that are consistently better for the planet.

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