Atal Innovation Mission, Bayer collaborate to work towards healthcare and agriculture innovations

Atal Innovation Mission, Bayer collaborate to work towards healthcare and agriculture innovations

Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog Tuesday collaborated with Bayer Crop Science, a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of healthcare and nutrition, to work towards the mission’s innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives across the country.

A Statement of Intent (SoI) of a strategic partnership between AIM and Bayer was signed and exchanged to formalise the collaboration. The SoI will span the promotion of science education, advancing digital solutions and agritech to strengthen supply chains as well as healthcare projects. Additionally, Bayer will collaborate with AIM to support their current and future programmes and foster innovation and entrepreneurship across the agriculture and healthcare sectors.

A flagship programme of AIM, ‘Atal Tinkering Labs’ (ATL) has played a pivotal role in fostering creativity and imagination amongst school children. Bayer will explore opportunities to mentor school children, inculcate design thinking, problem solving and adaptive learning skills amongst them and support and adopt mutually agreed schools. Additionally, as a part of the ‘Atal Incubation Centres’ (AIC) and ‘Atal Community Innovation Centres’ (ACIC), Bayer shall mentor young innovators and startups and collaborate with them to further the cause of innovation. Bayer would also explore association with the techno-preneurs from the ANIC and ARISE programmes in the area of digital solutions both in agriculture and healthcare sectors.

R Ramanan, Mission Director, Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog, while exchanging the virtual SoI with Bayer said, “The collaboration with Bayer is a long term strategic one for Atal Innovation Mission as their areas of specialisation agriculture, healthcare and life sciences are areas of national importance, especially more so in the times of the pandemic. The partnership will be holistic in nature spurring and supporting knowledge and innovation at school, university and startups leveraging Bayer’s domain expertise, global reach and facilities.”

Speaking on the occasion, D. Narain, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Bayer Crop Science said, “Bayer is pleased to partner with the Atal Innovation Mission. Through this collaboration, we endeavour to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in India across the sectors of agriculture and healthcare. It will enable us provide multiple opportunities to mentor school children and inculcate scientific curiosity as a part of the ‘Atal Tinkering Labs’ initiative, enable digital solutions across value chains and partner with inventive start-ups. At this critical time, entrepreneurship and science-led innovation can play an important role in accelerating our progress towards doubling farmers’ incomes and expanding access to health solutions across India.”

Bayer has been present in India for over 120 years and as a leader in agriculture, healthcare and nutrition has consistently aimed at using science and technology to benefit a large section of the society. This first of a kind collaboration in the sectors of agriculture and healthcare between AIM and Bayer will aid in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the life science fields of healthcare and nutrition. Its products and services are designed to help people and planet thrive by supporting efforts to master the major challenges presented by a growing and aging global population.

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