Prospects and constraints in dairy start-up in Bihar

Prospects and constraints start-up in dairy sector in Bihar

In order to discuss the opportunities in dairy sector, Bihar chapter of PHD Chamber Of Commerce & industry (PHDCCI) in association with National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) organised a webinar on “Prospects And Constraints In Agri Start-up In Dairy Sector”. In a bid to double the farmers’ income by 2022, the Government of India is increasingly looking for ways to bolster agricultural production, food processing and marketing avenues through the integration of latest technologies and innovations thus creating a huge scope for agriculture start-ups in the country. The webinar focused on to explore opportunities in agriculture and its allied sectors especially dairy. The challenges and the solution in dairy sector was also discussed.

Technology Business Incubation Centre plays a catalyst role in developing start-ups in dairy sector, said, Dr. Rameshwar Singh, Vice Chancellor, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna. He apprised that dairy has been a key sector for livelihood in rural India since ancient times. Now a days there is a scope of allied activities and making a wide range of dairy products such as cow rearing, buffalo farming, goat rearing, organic milk production, fermented products of milk like; yogurt, curd, butter milk, cheese making and allied activities like, breeding services for semen, farm mechanisation among others. Hence, this sector has a huge potential for generating employment at large.

Arun Raste, Executive Director, National Dairy Development Board, (NDDB) emphasised how ration balancing is necessary for animal dieting which can reduce cost and maintain the health of animals as well. He highlighted that there is a huge potential in Ayurvedic veterinary medicine manufacturing and this can be a game changer in farm and allied sectors.

Sudhir Kumar, Mananging Director, JMF discussed about off farm activities as a scope for employment in this sector such as milk aggregator or collector, milk tester for checking of adulteration who are not involved directly in milk production yet they can run their business in the small areas.

Dr. Ravindra Kumar Sohane, Director Extension Education, Bihar Agriculture University, emphasised on using local based items to feed the animals there by reducing cost of production. Dr. Sohane mentioned that integrated farming is backbone of the Bihar state and due to this farmers’ suicidal mortality rate in Bihar is lower than other developed states of the country.

In technical session, Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Head, Animal Husbandry Extension & Deputy Director, Training, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna in his address said that there are four components or deciding factors for effective dairy farming viz improved feeding, breeding, farm management and health and vaccination. He suggested entrepreneurs to focus on reducing cost for profit maximisation in dairy sector as the margin in milk and its products are stable. He said this can be achieved by preparing a complete mix of cattle feeds, it can be produced at own farm rather than buying from market.

Among other speakers in the webinar present, Santosh Kumar, Director, Anand Sagar Natural Dairy shared details about the Community Dairy Farming. He emphasised on using of modern techniques like Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Blockchain for upgrading this sector.

Ajanta Bhumij, Director, Ajanta Dairy Farm shared her success story and how she has made her dairy business profitable.

Dr. Yogesh Srivastav, Principal Director, PHDCCI who moderated the webinar said that agriculture and food processing is one of the key thrust areas of PHDCCI and dairy sector has potential for employment generation in the country. He said, their is a need to create an interface between youths and agencies to bring them in to a single platform for making the youth aware about the potential of this sector.

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