Volkswagen launches watershed management program in Latur

Volkswagen launches watershed management program in Latur

Volkswagen India signed a memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with International Association for Human Values (IAHV) for a watershed management project in Latur district in Maharashtra. Volkswagen India has allocated Rs 1.34 crore for this project that seeks to restore and sustain natural resources in selected village cluster of – Lasona, Indral, Wadmurambi and Ambanagar. The aim behind this initiative is to create an integrated and sustainable natural resource management model which includes unique blend of social, technical and financial strategies.
The project will empower and enable the community at large to implement and sustain natural resources like water and soil. The aim is to increase groundwater levels in the selected area and ensure secured water supply to the community for irrigation and domestic purposes. The project will also ensure sustainable use of available groundwater resources, drinking water security and increase green cover in the watershed through social forestry and agroforestry.
The project will follow a structured approach through community mobilisation and capacity building, artificial ground water recharge, soil and water conservation, farmer field schools, afforestation and leveraging government schemes. All these activities will be achieved through community sensitisation programmes, youth leadership training programmes, training programme for gram panchayat members, framer trainings, exposure visit for farmers, creation of demonstration farms, agroforestry, social forestry and farmer recharge wells.
Pankaj Gupta, Vice President External Affairs and CSR, Volkswagen India said, “Working with the families and communities in the district around Pune is an important wing of our CSR outreach programme. The partnership with International Association for Human Values will create awareness and learning among the families in these four villages to help secure, maintain and sustain the available groundwater resources.”
“We have already conducted community sensitisation programme and collaborated with Krishi Vikas Kendras to gather steam for the programme. Summer months are tough in this region and water scarcity is a persistent problem here. We have identified this region because these need the attention and support of our programme.,” Gupta added.
IAHV has already started working on the different aspects of the project. Geological survey, that will be the basis of many of the interventions is complete and de-silting of 47,660 cubic metres is underway. This project also aims to engage employee volunteers in different activities on the ground.

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