Farmers’ protest to intensify in all states from Dec 1, 2020

Farmers’ protest to intensify in all states from Dec 1, 2020

In order to expanding the ongoing farmers’ protest at the various entry points and borders of national capital, All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (AIKSCC) Working Group has given a call to all farmers’ organisations to immediately mobilise farmers to Delhi to intensify this protest. It has also called upon all “anti corporate, pro farmer forces” to join hands and hold protests. While calling for an all India mobilisation, it has called for state level protests all over the country from December 1, 2020.

Farmers are united and speak in unison in their demand that the Government of India repeal the new farm laws that were “enacted without consultation to serve corporate interests”, and withdraw Electricity Bill 2020. Farmers who have marched peacefully and resolutely to Delhi are determined in securing their demands. Farmers of Punjab and Haryana are rallying in greater numbers at Singhu and Tikri borders on the doorsteps of National Capital Region of Delhi. From Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, their moving to Delhi has begun, AIKSCC has said.

From the way the whole Dilli Chalo march has unfolded so far, farmers state that the Government has obviously not paid any attention to their demands and issues. Farmers had decided to and they organised massive protests in Delhi since the government did not heed to farmers’ protests across the country in a “Dilli Chalo” call announced in September 2020. They held numerous protests all over the country locally, while farmers around Delhi are continuing to march towards the national capital. The farmers made elaborate preparations to come into Delhi. However, they met with the repressive, inhuman, undignifying attack on them by various obstacles that the government placed in their way, with water cannon shelling, tear gas shelling, lathi charge and digging up of highways. It is the government which is to be blamed for the lack of faith and trust that the farmers have on the government, AIKSCC said.

Instead of responding to the main demands of repealing the laws and the withdrawal of the Electricity Bill 2020, the government is doing its best to move the debate to where the farmers should camp. It is also seen that the force deployment all over the city is creating an atmosphere of terror and apprehension amongst the protesting farmers and even the people of Delhi. Barricades in the path of the farmers have not been removed even now, the farmers’ body has further said.

The government, if it is serious about addressing the demands of the farmers, should stop laying down any conditions (“you move to Burari Grounds in a ‘structured way’ and then we will start a dialogue the next day”), should stop assuming that the dialogue can be about “an explanation to farmers about the benefits of the Acts” and should come straight out with a proposal about the solution it is offering. The farmers are clear about their demands, AIKSCC has further said.

AIKSCC has demanded that the government should stop dealing with the issue from the prism of intelligence agencies and home ministry. The Government got these statutes rammed through the Parliament and the farmers expect a response that is political, from the highest levels of the government. Its attempt to invoke home ministry only acts as a threat to farmers, rather than arouse confidence in its sincerity.

Despite some hardships and inconveniences being caused to public, farmers welcome the widespread and enthusiastic support being extended by common people in Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.

AIKSCC salutes the spirit of farmers of Punjab and Haryana for the will they have shown to “save farming communities and farming” in India. Those farmers who have sacrificed their life during the movement would continue to inspire us forever. Our path for the struggle continues to remain peaceful mass assertion, the farmers’ body has further said.

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