New scenarios on global food security based on Russia-Ukraine war? FAO DG recommends way outs

New scenarios on global food security based on Russia-Ukraine war? FAO DG recommends way outs

Russia and Ukraine play a substantial role in the global food production and supply. Russia is the world’s largest exporter of wheat and Ukraine is the fifth largest. FAO DG QU Dongyu writes on new scenarios and makes recommendations

New scenarios on global food security based on Russia-Ukraine war? FAO DG recommends way outs Read More
Antimicrobial resistance may soon surpass lifestyle diseases as the leading cause of death, warns FAO

Antimicrobial resistance may soon surpass lifestyle diseases as the leading cause of death, warns FAO

FAO Chief Veterinary Officer Keith Sumption talks about what should be done to avoid the wide use of antibiotics and other antimicrobials to help mitigate and contain the risks of antimicrobial resistance

Antimicrobial resistance may soon surpass lifestyle diseases as the leading cause of death, warns FAO Read More
Is hydroponics a viable alternative for Indian farming community?

Is hydroponics a viable alternative for Indian farming community?

A NABARD study has found hydroponics-grown seedlings of paddy produce tillers vigorously, recover fast, mature uniformly, and have a higher yield, use 95 percent less water, and tolerate delayed monsoon conditions well. Rajesh Aggarwal, MD, Insecticides India writes…

Is hydroponics a viable alternative for Indian farming community? Read More