Skymet, GramCover launches Kharif Crop Outlook Report 2021-22

Skymet, GramCover launches Kharif Crop Outlook Report 2021-22

India’s leading rural insurtech startup ‘GramCover’ and India’s leading weather and agri analytics firm ‘Skymet’ has released The Kharif Crop Outlook Report for 2021-22. The report highlights the monsoon performance, reservoir status, flood analysis, soil moisture assessment, normalised difference vegetation index, vegetation condition index, Kharif sowing progress and crop-wise analysis such as cotton, soybean and pulses.

As per the data released by the Ministry of Agriculture on September 02, this year, Kharif sowing stood at 1,081.5 lakh hectares, about 1.14 per cent lower compared to the corresponding period the previous year. The lower sowing across the country is attributed to the break in the monsoon after timely progress till it crossed Uttar Pradesh and afterwards progress over Rajasthan was stalled.

As per GramCover and Skymet Kharif Crop Outlook Report, sowing of pulses is delayed in almost every state, but the impact of delayed sowing has no impact on the productivity as pulses’ sowing continues till the end of August. As per the actual rainfall recorded till August and the forecast for September, productivity is likely to be good in all states. As per the current situation, the national average yield of pulses is expected to be around 702 kilograms per hectare, that is 14 kilograms per hectare higher than last year yield of 688 kilograms per hectare. Thus, pulses production is estimated to be around 10.24 million tonnes (14.60 million hectares) that will be around 10 per cent higher than last year’s Kharif production estimates of 9.31 million tonnes (13.51 million hectares).

Dhyanesh Bhatt, CEO, GramCover said, “Overall, the country is in a moderate cropping condition which will improve as cropping is escalating towards vegetative condition from the sowing phase. The vegetative condition will improve with persistent precipitation and crop stage leading towards the good vegetative condition. GramCover has worked with 4 lakh farmers in Kharif 2020 which spiked to 14 lakh plus in 2021 Kharif season.”

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He further added, “Prices of soybean have more than doubled in the previous marketing year. It is evident that farmers are desperate to sow soybeans on their farms. Water availability and pest attacks in the previous seasons have influenced the cotton sowing in the country. If the current trend continues, GramCover expects five per cent lower acreage this year.”

Yogesh Patil, CEO of Skymet said, “This year, the Agriculture Ministry has taken steps to promote the cultivation of pulses and oilseeds crops more than ever. Pulses sowing stood about 1.85 per cent higher as compared to the sowing during the same period previous year. Cotton sowing too remained lower this year as of 02 Sept this year with a total area of 118.13 lakh hectares, about 6.58 per cent lower as compared to the area of 126.45 lakh hectares sown previous year during the same period.”

On the monsoon performance, the report highlights that the rainfall performance during the period from 1st Jun till 09th Sept was subdued over the northeast and the western parts of India. The regions namely West Rajasthan, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala, Odisha, Punjab, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura are rainfall deficient. Whereas Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu have recorded excess rainfall. The rest of the states have received normal rainfall.

As per the updates released by Central Water Commission (CWC) on September 02, 2021, live storage available in these reservoirs stood at 111.691 BCM, which is 65 per cent of the total live storage capacity of these reservoirs collectively. Last year the live storage available in these reservoirs for the corresponding period was 140.051 BCM and the average of last 10 years live storage as of mentioned date was 119.026 BCM. Hence as of September 02, this year, the live storage available in 130 reservoirs is 80 per cent of the live storage of the corresponding period of last year and 94 per cent of storage on average of the last 10 years. The overall storage position is less than the corresponding period of last year in the country as a whole and is also less than the average storage of last 10 years during the corresponding period.

Soil Moisture Assessment in the report highlights that in the northern part of India, Bihar experiences marginally higher soil moisture in the current year as compared with the year 2020. Whereas, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh show a similar spatial pattern with the past year. For Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand, the soil moisture scenario is degraded in the present year as compared to previous year due to monsoon characteristics.

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