What makes SaaS, the go-to-option to build a digital ecosystem?

What makes SaaS, the go-to-option to build a digital ecosystem?

SaaS solutions have undoubtedly become a game changer in the past few years. Several companies have started to see the potential in SaaS to make their business more profitable. Kunal Prasad, co-founder and COO of CropIn, writes on the important role SaaS is going to play in the future

What makes SaaS, the go-to-option to build a digital ecosystem? Read More
Artificial Intelligence in agriculture eases risk of changing weather patterns

Artificial Intelligence in agriculture eases risk of changing weather patterns

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has started making inroads in agriculture sector.Various organisation in India such as ICRISAT, Microsoft, CropIn, SatSure, DronaMaps among many others have started adoption of AI with agriculture, resulting into better yield and higher income for farmers. Rajesh Aggarwal, Managing Director, Insecticides (India) writes on this future technology

Artificial Intelligence in agriculture eases risk of changing weather patterns Read More
7 Points to consider while evaluating farm management solution

7 Points to consider while evaluating farm management solution

Benefits of technology in agriculture are more than apparent. While developed countries have been early adopters, technologically aware approach towards food production is now seeing widespread adoption in Africa, India, and other developing nations as well. Krishna Kumar, Founder & CEO, CropIn Technology Solutions writes

7 Points to consider while evaluating farm management solution Read More
Water management key to sustainable agriculture growth

Water management key to sustainable agriculture growth

India is facing the worst water crisis in its history attributed to its growing population, lack of adequate government planning, increased corporatisation, industrial and human waste, among other factors. RG Agarwal, Chairman, Dhanuka Agritech Ltd writes on how water management can be the key to sustainable agriculture growth

Water management key to sustainable agriculture growth Read More