WRMS, previously known as Weather Risk Management Services, has expanded its services by foraying into the manufacturing of climate-smart organic manures in order to provide better solutions for pest management and soil fertility to farmers. The company has recently introduced its product SecuFarm Vermicompost, an organic fertiliser and soil conditioner that contains essential plant nutrients, rich in humus, ability to improve soil structure for better root alteration and improve water retention capacity and aeration status in the soil. Vermicompost is considered one of the best soil amendments available. It is highly useful in raising seedlings, orchards, and for crop production. The product contains microorganisms- for instance active bacteria, fungi, and plant growth hormones, which help accelerate germination, increase the number of fruits, accelerate flowering, and help create humic acid for healthy soil, the company has said today.
SecuFarm Vermicompost is a non-toxic, environment-friendly and ecologically compatible product, the company said.
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“WRMS has been transforming the agriculture sector for the last 18 years by ensuring smallholders a higher farm level productivity along with income protection. The company is focused on driving farmers towards sustainable farming practices with the adoption of climate-smart agrochemicals. This new move will help the company in strengthening its services by ensuring that the crop produced is healthier, better and safe to consume by the end consumers,” the company claims.
Speaking on the venture, Anuj Kumbhat, Founder and CEO, WRMS said, “Since its inception, WRMS is committed to creating pathways to sustainable farming for farmers by building climate-resilient agriculture technologies. By venturing into the manufacturing of agrochemicals, we envision offering cost-effective and productivity-enhancing agro-inputs to farmers to further strengthen our vision. We are working on more such products that will transform the whole agricultural landscape and lead to sustainable crop production.”
WRMS is operating across 22 states in India and 20 countries in the globe.